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Monday, July 02, 2018

Denmark Spends Kroners

Kroners - 1 - 2 - 5 - 10 - 20 - 100 - 200 - 500

equals about

(16 cents - 33 cents - 80 cents - $1.60 - $3.20 -
$16 - $32 - $83)

When traveling - it is easy to spend lots of money. Most of the countries that we visit like - Germany - France - Spain - Greece - use the euro. It is really nice because you do not have to carry all the different kinds of money. In England they still use the pound. Even though Denmark is in the European Union - they spend the kroner.

One dollar equals about 6 kroners. So when you shop - prices really look high. It is hard getting used to 25 kroners for a drink or a sandwich.

When we go to London - we spend pounds. We are quite used to them. The pound is worth 1.3 dollars. I like the pound coin because it is really thick - it can stand on edge.

If you have a Visa or MasterCard - they work almost all over the world. American Express is not always accepted - mainly because they charge higher interest rates. I like to use our Wells Fargo Bank Card to get cash to spend. Usually I get out about $400 worth at a time. Wells Fargo immediately sends me an email saying I made a withdrawal.

When I went to the ATM machine and asked for 1500 kroners - it gave me 3 - 500 kroner bills. It was shocking until I realized they were only worth $80 each.

When we go to London - where pounds are worth 1.3 dollars - Lulu just pretends a dollar and a pound are equal - that way prices are so much cheaper.

Notice some coins have holes in the middle.

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