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Friday, August 10, 2007

New Vespa - Half Scooter - Half Sports Car - 100% Dynamite

I dropped by the Vespa Shop today to look at the bikes. It is always a fun thing to do - check out the new stuff - and talk shop with the owners. This is the place where I bought my Vespa 150.

All of a sudden - there it was - in my favorite color. The Vespa MP3.

I have been reading the reviews on it - but nothing prepares you for the look of this thing. It has two front wheels and one back one. What that does for stability and handling is amazing. Tests show it as one of the most comfortable and high performing scooters made. It has a 250cc engine and three disk brakes.

When you drive into a corner it tilts just like a regular scooter. But when you pull up to a stop sign or park it - the front wheels lock up - so you never have to put your feet on the ground. Your feet and legs are protected by a large shield. The seat looks like it would easily hold three people - I could see families of 5 riding this scooter in Thailland.

The price - about $8000 - but don't look at it as a motorcycle - think of it as a high performance sports car - then the price is a bargain. Now how can I justify this to Lulu?

ADDED NEWS FLASH - Vespa announced they are making a hybrid of this scooter and also the LX50. You will be able to choose to run on electric - gas - or both at once for faster pickup.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Harry,

Thanks very much for visiting my blog!

Unfortunatly I don't have further info on the hybrid LX. As far as I can find out, Piaggio is busy developping a range of hybrid engines for the LX, X8 and MP3. As soon as I find out more I'll post it on my blog.

