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Monday, June 26, 2006

Anderson Cooper Delivers Keynote Speech at ALA Convention

1 - Laura Bush spoke earlier in the day to a sparse crowd. Many librarians boycotted the speech because of the Bush stance on the "Patriot Act" - the war in Iraq - and spying on US citizens. But at 6:00 - a much larger crowd listened as Anderson Cooper talked about saving and rebuilding New Orleans.

2 - Someone in New Orleans likes Keith's Arsenal team.

3 - This duo was so good at playing the blues that even Harry let moths out of his wallet to put money in the hat. They even did a Robert Johnson favorite of Harry's for Harry - Chicago.

4 - This bumper sticker says it all. Our country has wasted $500 billion on the Iraq Oil War. Meanwhile - less than $20 billion could build levees that would withstand any storm. New Orleans was not destroyed by a storm - it was doomed by our government that knew this could happen - and did nothing.

5 - Harry opened up his own store in the French Quarter called Hurricane Harry's.

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