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Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Van Windows Tinted Limo Black Today

2002 Roadtrek with Limo Black Window Tint

There is a little shop down the Woodville highway that does a great job tinting windows. The last white van we had was tinted there - no bubbles - no waves - no knicks.

It took about 2 hours to do the job. While the van was being tinted - Lulu and I took a 5 miles walk down the Tallahassee Rail Trail. It was hot and sunny until we got to the woody area about 1.5 miles down. 

With the van windows tinted limo black - you can sleep inside - change clothes - without pulling the curtains closed.  People can't see in. We have had 4 vans tinted - and sometimes we have camper at parking meters - showered inside - and no one had a clue we were squatting.

The driver and passenger windows were only tinted 28% because that is the darkest allowed in Florida legally. 

Tinted windows keep the van cooler inside and they also allow the air conditioner to work better. The tint job cost $129.

We had the windows of this van tinted a year ago. 

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