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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Day 8 of 35 - Kristiansand - Norway


The Queen Mary 2 docked in Kristiansand 

Today we made our first stop in Norway. We were there from 8 am to noon. The temperatures were 58 to 61 - it was overcast and looked like rain - but it held up. Kristiansand is a nice city of about 120,000 people. Of course when you arrive on a Tuesday at 8 am - it is not busy. It has a big harbor - and a new dock for cruise ships. They have eliminated cars from the main downtown shopping streets. It is all low buildings - there are many old wooden homes with tile roofs - that have been maintained in excellent shape. We did some shopping because I forgot a bathing suit. 

We visited the cathedral at the downtown square. I never get over the pretty town centers in Europe. 

Noway is a country that has abundant hydro electric power - usually made by the waterfalls coming off the glaciers. 99% of their power is produced this way. For that reason - this place is full of electric cars. They do pay 19 cents a KWH for power - compared to the 12 cents per KWH I pay in Florida. The USA averages 16 cents per KWH. Compared to some other countries - this is a bargain. Denmark charges 51 cents per KWH!

We loved going into the town cathedral to see the beautiful finish but to also listen to the organ recital. They claim it is the largest organ in Europe with 4300 pipes. I did not count them. 

Kritiansand is on the North Sea. It is a center of their oil industry. We are now cruising north along the west coast of Norway - we are officially in the Atlantic Ocean now. It is 11 pm as I type this - but I can clearly see the coast about 20 miles away. We are up to 51 degrees north latitude now. 

Tonight - the entertainment was a 50s and 60s rock and roll show. I forgot my secret camera glasses at home - so I have no video to show you. 

Tomorrow - we will arrive at Olden - Norway. This town is deep inside a fiord. We will see glaciers and ride a cable car to the top of the fiord wall - 2000 feet above water level. 

Car chargers everywhere

Kristiansand Cathedral

This was a cattle trough - for waiting for
a restaurant table - heat and glass

Old wooden houses downtown

Note the ice dams on the roof

Shopping downtown - 
no cars - plenty of stores. 

Sky was overcast all day - 61 degrees. 

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