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Saturday, July 13, 2024

Day 5 of 35 - London - Saturday Matinee - Sister Act

By Saturday we seemed adjusted to the time zone. We went to bed last night at 11 pm - and got up at 8 am. We had a nice little breakfast at a little cafe next to our hotel. Then we took the subway to Tottenham Court Road. This is the area where FSU campus is - along the red subway line. The box office opened at noon. I was able to get 2 nice seats in Row K - center stage. I like to be closer but this play was nearly sold out in a very big theatre. Our seats were 29 pounds. The play was good - but not my cup of tea. The singers were good - but there was not much dancing and acting. Since most of the characters are dressed like nuns - it was very bland - not much skin. I like seeing young ladies dance in costumes that accent their figures. 

After the show - we stopped for some groceries - and headed back to our room. 

Sunday - we must take a train to Southampton - and catch the Queen Mary 2 - for a trip to Norway. The ship is the last of the great ocean cruisers - designed to knife thru the Atlantic from Southampton to New York. We talked to a couple that just got off it from the America trip. They said it is a stately ship - but when cruising at 45 mph - and when it is cold and foggy - you tend to stay inside. Most of our one week cruise will be in the Norway Fiords. We will travel as north at 61 degrees north latitude. 

We shopped in the stores on Oxford Street - we each bought a pair of stretch blue jeans - an extra pair of long pants cannot hurt on our cruise. 

After the cruise - we head to Paris to see the Everhart 4. We will be there during the Paris Olympics. Our son has been planning for years for this event - he got quite a few tickets for events. 

We planned to go to the Durham Miners Gala Parade today - but bad weather was predicted. Also trains tickets were $250 each for last minute. 450 miles - 3 hours each way. Since we saw the parade twice before - we saved our energy. 

So our next step is Bon Voyaging from the sea Southampton port that the Titanic left for America in 1912. 


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