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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Chuck Shuck - Playing TAPS in the Desert

Dear friends and family,

About 2 hours ago, I sat through a memorial service for a 22 year young man named SPC Robert Webber. Even though I personally did not know this young soldier, I was once again reminded how precious life really is. A young soldier got up to speak about his Army "brother" and a lump sat in my throat the entire time because I realized that could be me speaking up there of one of my friends or worse yet, one of my soldiers. The song American soldier was also played at this service and if their is one song that truly shows what an American soldier is, that song is it. The traditional TAPS was played by a lone buglar and bagpipes followed. The final respect paid from one soldier to the soldier that gave his all is the salute. As I approached this soldiers weapon, boots, helmet and dogtags, and rendered the hand salute I had so many emotions going through me at once, but as I sit here know reminding eve rybody the cost of war, I know this young soldier left this world doing what we all love doing and doing something we wouldn't trade for any job in the world and that is serving the people of the United States of America. God Bless!

In other news from Iraq, the above pictures is from an obstacle course that some good friends built for our dogs. I painted because thats as crafy as I can get. As you can see the colors represent the Copperas Cove "BULLDAWGS" from back home in Texas. The weather here is really nice and we had a pretty good sandstorm last night. Please keep all soldiers in your nightly prayers and I know I email alot but this is what keeps me sane. I look forward to hearing from you all and say an extra prayers for SPC Webbers parents as he was an only child.

Chuck and Gabe

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