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Thursday, March 09, 2006

Everhart's Broken-Hearted at Greensboro - FSU Loses in First Game

Usually when the Everhart's go to bowl games - they vow to not buy tickets in advance. But this was their first ACC Basketball Tournament - so they broke their rule and bought two full ticket booklets for $480 from a Va Tech fan. What a mistake!
On the first day of the tournament today - $66 games tickets could be had for less than $10. For the second two games today - so many folks were trying to sell tickets - that it was almost impossible to give them away. Since there were three of us - Keith - Nancy - Me - we had to buy one extra ticket. Nancy and Keith went in first and I stayed outside to buy a ticket for me. I was attacked by people with extra tickets - I settled for a lower level seat for $10 - but could have gotten in for free.
We sat together for the second game - the one where FSU played - we all sat together - to watch FSU have a 10 point lead for the whole game except for the last 6 minutes. Then Wake Forest stopped FSU dead - and won by 12 points. That loss may very well knocked FSU out of the NCAA Tournament. So here we are back in the hotel room by 9 PM - watching other games on the satellite TV that we brought along.
Our second team - Duke is still in it - because they have not played yet. they will play tomorrow - and the next two games if they keep winning. Okay - that is the negative.
Here are the positives -
1. The arena is very nice - it is almost 50 years old - holds about 23,000 people - but it is very compact. The grounds are neat and clean.
2. Greensboro is a nice town as is Highpoint - where we are staying.
3. We have a nice hotel suite - nice neighborhood - good places to shop. We are right in the middle of the furniture area of town.
4. The van performed flawlessly - good power - smooth ride - lots of room.
5. The Directv dish that we brought performed well - both at the hotel - and in the parking lot by the arena. Note the picture of the dish on our FSU van.
6. Our seats were right on center court but up high. In the second half we moved down to court side - note the pictures courtside and up top.
7. Note the score on the scoreboard - FSU - 9 and Wake - 0.
8. We plan to attend the Saturday and Sunday games - if Duke is in them. If not - and tickets are selling well - we will sell our tickets.
I am sure that Nancy has the shopping bug in her eyes - Keith is going to want to watch the Big East games on our satellite dish - I would like to visit some historical brown signs.
So far - it has been a really nice trip - except for FSU losing and tickets being so cheap here. If I ever buy another sports ticket in advance - kick me in the butt. I am telling my self - I told you so.

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