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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

JOHN ORLANDO - On Romney's Tax Returns

Daytona Beach News-Journal
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Release the returns

Previously John Edwards, a Demo­crat, ran as a candidate to become his party’s nominee for president. He did this in spite of knowing he had fathered an illegitimate child. Had he been elect­ed and then this story was revealed, he would have created turmoil beyond be­lief — a situation that would have caused immeasurable harm to the pre­sidency and, in all likelihood, his resig­nation or impeachment. When I learned of this, along with the rest of the United States, I was incensed with his arro­gance and disregard for the well-being of our country.

And now we have Mitt Romney, a Re­publican, and his tax returns issue. In spite of being asked to and in spite of all other candidates, including his father, revealing their tax returns for several years, he adamantly refuses. Romney needs to remind himself that he is not running for local dog catcher. If there is anything questionable in those earlier tax returns and if he is elected and then his returns reveal illegal or unethical information, he too would place this country in a serious bind.

I would ask Romney, for the good of the country, to release his tax returns so those voting for him can do so with a clear conscience. This is not an issue of political positions or party affiliation, but rather what the voters deserve and need. I am an independent, but proba­bly will not vote for Romney simply be­cause he is not forthcoming and that makes me highly leery of his past finan­cial dealings.


Harry - John Orlando married our good friend Bonnie Premo. They live in the cutest beach house on Ormond Beach next to Daytona Beach. John writes a blog called -   Late Night Musings

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