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Saturday, October 15, 2005

Put Harriet/Harry on the Supreme Court

I enjoy the mess that Bush has gotten into over trying to put Harriet on the Supreme Court. Some people try to say the reactionaries are mad at Bush because he is appointing a woman to the court - some think she will be a traitor once she gets on the court - she will dare use her free will to do what she thinks is best. I have a different take on it.

I think the fundamentalist religionists are against her for something they hate worst than women with free will. They hate gays more than women - and they think Harriet is a latent homosexual - and when she gets on the courts she will come "out of the closet in a robe." Let's face it Harriet is "liberal" in a sense that she has changed her mind many times over. Holy rollers say you can't trust those "Catholic converts."

I was brought up in a little coal mining town in Pennsylvania - we didn't have any blacks - so the devout "church people" taught Catholics and Protestants to hate each other. Think back to when your Mom or Dad didn't want you to bring "one of them" home with you. I won't even bring up the Jews here - we may have had two or three of them - but "fundies" taught us that they were the ones that killed Jesus. I always thought that Jesus was a Jew himself - something must have gotten mixed up in the translation of the Bible there. :-)

The fundamental religionists (Aren't they the type backing Bin Laden, you may have forgotten this mystery guest Bush keeps in the basement?) hold their vote over Bush's head like they were going to vote for the Democrats - give me a break. Bush should tell them to pound sand. Their vote is locked in like the Democrats have the black gay vote in their pocket.

Yep Harriet is going to be on the Supreme Court - she is anti-marriage - anti-sex (maybe) - anti-abortion (maybe) - anti-making babies - but she is not anti-free will. That scares the crap out of the "fundies."

I hope Harriet gets on the court and uses her free will like a "normal woman" and changes her mind. I hope she comes down hard against big business - against anti-black legislation - some laws on gun control - laws giving women equal rights - gays equal rights - and stops giving oil companies special treatment.

It is unfair the way that Bush protects gays by holding up the right of gays to marry. We should demand that gays get married and stop living out of wedlock in sin. They should have to answer to the divorce laws just like the rest of us. Why should their fortune be protected by special laws. If gays could divorce - imagine all the beautifully decorated homes for sale at bargain prices and estate auctions we would have when gays have to give up half of everything. Once the Republican lawyers realize that they can double their income by allowing gays to marry - a new gay marriage law will pass immediately.

You go girl - Harriet - or whatever you are. I was saving the best for the last - just maybe Harriet is really a transvestite.........oh well - give 'em hell Harry. :-)

My sarcasm meter just flew popped out of the computer.

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