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Thursday, March 14, 2019

Walking and Shopping Cairo

Our guide Mohammad - I asked him - what did Jesus say in this Last Supper picture? He was serious and did not know. I said - COME OVER ON THIS SIDE OF THE TABLE - WE WILL TAKE A PICTURE. He laughed really hard. I said he can use that joke. He said - never. :-)

Saturday is the sabbath in Muslim countries. Our guide chose this time to take us to the bazaar because they would be empty. We walked thru the old downtown streets of Cairo - a strange and beautiful city. I got to visit in my first mosque.We enjoyed some of the strangest traffic ever. We had a nice lunch - and to to mix with locals. They were very sociable and wanted to visit with Americans - and Lulu's golden hair. 

Lulu prides herself as a bargainer. She walks on this guy. He follows us up the street a block - and settles. In the  video the guy says he is not Ali Babba.

I loved these little Suzuki trucks. It was explained to me that they can be used in Japan for 40,000 miles - then they must be exported - due to pollution laws. I would bring home a dozen if they let me. 

This is the oldest Christian Church in Cairo

These tiny Suzuki vans could be covered by a 4 x 8 plywood board. We have seen them with 10 people in them. They are used in a thriving gypsy taxi black market.

Lulu loves shopping bazaars.

Christian Church in Cairo.

Christian mosaics

Inside the Crhistian Church.

This was a fixed price shop. The prices were good. 

Lulu eventually bought 4 scarfs off this guy. 

More pictures of Christian Church.

Lulu bought xmas ornaments here.

Merchants were really nice getting ready for afternoon rush. 

Minerets are high towers the priests use to call to prayer.

Lots of Vespas and Bajaj's. Baja's are a knock off of the Vespa.

This is a mosque - which is a public house. you can eat and sleeps there. Also worship.

This was a rich man's private house downtown. His extended family lives with him. 

This group of ladies was walking by. 

A mosque entrance.

More little trucks

Motorcycle truck.

Downtown residence. 

Eye Hospital 

I went in this mosque. Separate entrance for ladies. 

Inside etc mosque - lots of carpet.

People sitting around - eating - sleeping - talking - parking. 

Early shoppers.

No ladies in this side of mosque.

Prayer alter. 


Leave your shoes at the door.

A little picnic with meat cooking. 

Made in China. 

See how tiny the vans are. 

Lady riding side saddle.

All over Asia you find Tuk tuks.

what a valuable truck - great for tiny streets.

We saw 8 people in one Tuk Tuk. 

No seat belts - no helmets. 

Early fort in downtown Cairo.

These folks wanted a picture with Americans.

Our guide took pictures of us. 

Jesus - Mary - and Joseph spent a night here running from Herrod. 

Books in the oldest Christian Church.

Only one synogogue in Cairo.

Metal detector on Synagogue. 

The path of Jesus Mary and Joesph.

This was a restaurant - very private - we ate inside that brown door. Very good. 

Selling oranges right in front of the mosque as service left out.

Donkeys in the traffic. 

Tuk Tuk traffic. 

The Nile runs right thru Cairo. 

Our hotel overlooks the Nile. 

More Christian pictures.

More Christian pictures. 

I think she bought this. 

Sunny day - around 75 - breezy.

Holy Family going thru Cairo

These people were so gracious. The orthodox priest gave me a kiss. I thought - don't you guys have enough trouble. :-)

We had a great trip - then 4 flights to get home. Cairo - Dubai - Paris - Atlanta - Tallahassee. No bumps.

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