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Monday, March 13, 2017

Day 12 - Naples

It is noon Monday - we land in Naples Italy at 2 pm. We only have 6 hours here - our shortest stop. Naples is the home of Mount Vesuvius and Pompeii. 

Vesuvius is considered a ticking time bomb. When it erupts - the energy makes atomic bombs look puny. We were here last year and hiked to the top. It was smoking - you could smell the sulfur from hell. 

Our ship offers social media on the internet for 5 euros a day. You can read and post messages and pictures. So if I can't get you my regular web page- go to Facebook and search for "harry Everhart"

The trip has been great. Our room fantastic. Food great. Ship smooth. Entertainment good. No crowds. 

I took this picture of Vesuvius now but we have 2 hours until embarking. We will have a big lunch on board - grab some fruit - and head out. 

Our captain just did a beautiful parallel parking job. He backed in about a mile spun the wheel - and pulled right up to the dock. Lots of harbor cops were watching. 

It is bright sunny and 60. The hotel we stayed at when here last March is a block or so away. It is on the other side of this castle we did not tour last time. I have a feeling we will get sun burn here. 

The Isle of Capri is just off our balcony. Maybe 5 miles. 

We are downtown Naples now. We just toured Nivea Castle - from 1279 AD. We had the castle to ourselves. 

We are at a cafe with wifi. We leave Naples at 8 pm

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