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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lou Holtz Writes a Letter to the Tallahassee Democrat About Christian Ponder

This time of year is very special for college football fans every­where who spend their Saturdays cheering every touchdown, field goal and tackle their favorite team makes.

Each week, players will be lauded and praised by coaches, fans and media alike for their amazing performances on the field.

But for me, this time of year is most mean ingful because it marks the announcement of a special group of col lege football student athletes whose talents extend well beyond the playing field. All state and the Ameri can Football Coach es Association (AFCA) have named 22 players from all levels of college football to the Allstate AFCA Good Works Team for their endur ing commitment to com munity service and vol unteerism.

One of the players on this year’s team whom I want to personally congratulate is Florida State University quar terback Christian Pon der, whose selfless acts of kindness and giving back have helped make a difference in the Tal lahassee community.

Christian is able to bal ance his football and academic responsibili ties and still find time to serve the Children’s Home Society of Florida and the United Way of Big Bend.

Christian is a remarkable individual who represents every thing that is right about college football, and people in the FSU Seminole community should be proud of his efforts.

As I’ve always said, I would rather have my son be named to the Allstate AFCA good Works Team than any All-American team.

Please join me in con gratulating Christian and all members of the 2010 Allstate AFCA Good Works Team.


Harry Note - Christian Ponder has already completed his masters degree at FSU.

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